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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Blog Everyday in May: My Happy List

I'm back after a couple of days off for finals.  Today was my last one though, it's officially summer!  Today's topic is ten things that make you happy.  Seems easy enough right?

This picture is not necessarily related except it also makes me happy.

1.  My parents, Molly, and Cash
2.  The beach house
3.  Christmas time
4.  Coffee
5.  Watching Friends in bed after a bad day
6.  When summer changes to fall
7.  Old friends and old memories
8.  Football season
9.  Doing something I'm good at
10. Songs that remind me of specific times in my life

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Blog Everyday in May: What I Miss

Today's topic is What do you miss?  Instead of writing about it, I thought I would just post some pictures of a few things I miss.

When nothing matter but my three best friends in high school.

Cheerleading in junior high and high school.

My best friend

And of course whenever I'm not there I miss the beach house.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Blog Everyday in May: 10 Words

I skipped the last two days of Blog Everyday in May because I had my very difficult French final today and a final paper due yesterday, school comes first y'all!  But I'm back for day 11!  Today's prompt is, "Sell yourself in 10 words or less."  I'm a little unsure of how to describe myself so I asked friends and family to help out, here are the ten best adjectives I got...


Thank you to my family and friends for those words.  Sorry Molly I did not use "slimey" and Regdor I did not use "whimsical."

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Blog Everyday In May: A Piece of Advice

Today's prompt is, "a piece of advice you have for others."  I am not sure I am in any position to impart life changing wisdom on others.  I'm young and stupid. I had a cookie for breakfast this morning and was late to class because I wanted to wear liquid eyeliner, clearly I'm not doing it right.  And by it, I mean life.  The only real advice I have for others that I have found to work is do what makes you happy, whatever that is.  I mean obviously if that thing hurts you or others I highly recommend you find a different hobby, but for the most part, this advice works.

Just stop caring about what others think.  There is always gonna be someone out there who wants to bring you down, there are always going to be people judging you.  This sounds like a no-brainer, do things that make you happy and you will be happy.  Not enough people actually do this though.  Life is too short to be stuck doing something just to please others or to surround yourself with people who hurt you or make you unhappy.

Choose a school or city that makes you happy, choose a major that makes you happy, choose a career path that makes you happy.  I may sound like a broken record talking about majors and the future but that is the stage of my life that I am in at the moment, so it's obviously relevant to me.  If it is relevant to me I am sure it is relevant to others out there as well.  Don't get stuck doing something or living a life you didn't really want, don't settle.

That's really the only advice I have for you all for now.  I am supposed to be writing a final paper for one of my classes.  Here is another piece of advice, don't be like me and procrastinate.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blog Everyday in May: Things I'm Afraid of

Today's topic for Blog Everyday in May is "thing(s) you are most afraid of."  Honestly, I'm afraid of a lot.  Two days ago I found a spider ON MY BED, I'm afraid of that happening again, only the spider bigger and hairy and it eats me.

I am afraid of spiders, and heights and Jello (nothing should be that consistency).  On a serious note though, I am afraid of not doing all of the things I want to do in life.  It is very easy for me to get comfortable or give up, unfortunately it's just my personality.  I am sure it is everyones to an extent.  It's easy to become comfortable and not push yourself to do new things or meet new people.  A lot of times I am scared that I will never get married or have a family of my own, because cliche as it may be, it is what I want.  I get afraid that I'll never see the things I want to see or live the places I want to live and I'll regret it.  In general I am just afraid of my future.  I hate change but sometimes I get restless and want it; it's a very conflicting way to live, I wouldn't recommend it.

Also, I am afraid that I won't pass French 100B.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Blog Everyday in May: I am 22

I consciously made the decision to not blog yesterday because I needed to stare at my books and think about studying.  Only after I do that, can I actually study.  So any who, I'm back today.

The questions for today is, "If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do?'"

The fact is that at the moment I am an unemployed student.  I have had odd minimum wage jobs and I will be looking for another one once finals are over but like most twenty two year olds, I do not have a career.  As of right now basically what I do is figure out what I want to do!  That's kind of the cool and scary part of being in college.  You have your whole life ahead of you so I still get to figure out what it is I want to do for the rest of my life.  I really don't know exactly what that is going to be, I may not even necessarily use my degree in art history, as much as I love it.

Being my age I often get people hounding me about what I am going to do with the rest of my life, like I should already know and have a plan.  I think they are just jealous that I am young and can still chose whatever path I want in life.  Honestly, you can do that at any age, it is just that as we get older and more comfortable it gets harder and it gets scarier.

As for right now, I go to school and learn about what interests me, I blog and make things in my spare time, and I stress about the future.  I spend money I don't have, I have fun with friends and roommates, I don't do laundry as much as I should. I eat grilled cheese for dinner almost every night, sometimes I drink more than I should, and I sometimes I watch too much TV.  I am twenty-two, that is what I do right now and you know, that is fine for now.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

19 Things you Should Stop Doing in Your 20s

It is currently 8 o'clock and I completely forgot to write my post for today's blog everyday in May.  Then after thinking about it I realized that finding one quote that I loved would be far to difficult so I decided I would share this with you instead...

I recently came across this article on Facebook after a friend had posted it.  The article is a list of 19 things you should stop doing in your twenties.  As someone currently in my twenties (I am 22) I found this incredibly enlightening.  They all seem like fairly straight forward suggestions on how to be an adult and live life more happily but so many people do not take these sort of things to heart, I included.

The first point struck me as pretty interesting.  It is "Stop placing all the blame on other people for how they interact with you."  I don't know about you, but this sounds pretty freaking hard to me.  When someone does something that you don't particularly like it's obviously easiest to blame them entirely for the situation.  The fact is though, just like this article says, that "you are the only consistent variable in your equation."  I little tough to accept but it is true.

Another point that I have been trying very hard to do lately is, "Stop treating errands as burdens."  I do this all the time leading up to an errand.  I try and make someone go with me weather it is one of my roommates or my sister; I don't want to go out and go shopping or pick up groceries on my own.  The fact is though, when I do go and do it on my own it's kind of nice.  I can shop for as slow or as fast as I want, I can pick up Starbucks for myself, and I can blast my favorite song on the way there and back and sing in the car.  Living in San Diego this year I have been driving back to my parent's house in Riverside quite a bit for family events, holidays, etc. and I always dread driving for an hour and a half by myself but when I do it's kind of nice.  It's time to myself to think.  Use those errands as an opportunity to spend some quality time with yourself.

I encourage all you twenty somethings or almost twenty somethings to read these 19 things and take them to heart.  Which ones are your favorite?  Ones you need to work on?  Or anything you disagree with?

There, no I may not have stuck to the list but I did blog today, so that counts right?

Friday, May 3, 2013

Blog Every Day in May: Things that Make You Uncomfortable

I am trying to think of what exactly I can write about in this post.  I do not tend to dwell on uncomfortable or awkward situations, it's really not that big of a deal to me.  I actually kind of like them sometimes; is that weird?  I am that person with an odd sense of humor, and I like giving answers that no one really expects, even if I am not serious.  I mentioned in my last post that when people ask me what I plan to do with my major I have said, "Probably work at Starbucks." And when someone has asked me if I am liking school I simply have responded with, "no."  Those are both really good ways to end a conversation if you don't mind it being a big awkward for a few seconds.  

Anyway, situations don't really make me uncomfortable as much as they annoy me.  Like most of the time I really do not want to hear about your sex life. I am not a prude and I get that girlfriends talk but I really do not want to know the details and I have no idea why some girls do.  Again, if someone is hard to talk to and connect with it's more annoying than uncomfortable to me.

So, this is gonna be a very short blog because I obviously have nothing to say on the topic. Guess I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blog Everyday in May: Art History

First off I would like to say that I am writing most of this post on my iPhone. I have a two hour break between classes, I have forgotten my laptop and my kindle is dead, so here we are. Today is day two of the Blog Everyday in May Challenge and the prompt is to write about something you know a lot about. I know a lot about very few things in life but one thing I kind of have to know about is art history. Art history is my major. Majoring in a subject is weird, you have to pay to dedicate 4+ years to learning about a topic of your choice. Most people chose to major in something that will gain the approval of the average society member and potentially earn them a steady income. I on the other had have no interest in pleasing my conservative family so I switched my major to art with an emphasis in art history.

San Francisco 09 visiting the art in Golden Gate Park. Clearly excited.

When I tell people my major I almost always get a confused or condescending look followed by the question, "So, what do you plan to do with that?" It's really not a question though if you have already decided in your mind that my degree will be useless. I have started surprising people by answering with exactly what they are thinking, "I'll probably just work at Starbucks." Now, I do not plan to work at Starbucks all my life, but seeing the look on their face when I say that is priceless.

However, I digress. I am going to write about three things you should know about art as a beginning art historian or appreciator of art. I am just an undergraduate so I would not say that my knowledge is extensive on the subject but in my opinion these three things are essential to understand when studying art.

The first thing you need to know about art is that it is universal. Every culture in every time period creates or created art. Making art is an innate human ability; it is a common thread everyone shares. I am willing to bet that every single one of you had some type of drive to create art at a young age. If a child is give a crayon and a piece of paper he will draw something on that paper, art. There are only a select few of us that continue to expand on this artistic ability but it lies in all of us.  For this reason, art is important.  Unfortunately, many people do not see it that way; many parents see their children experimenting with art the same as experimenting with hard core drugs.  This general disregard for art is a phenomenon that is definitely apparent in the United States.  Most other countries have a cabinet-level official in charge of the arts and culture, we do not.  Most other countries hold art and culture to be much more important and I think a huge part of that is because it is so universal.  Realizing that about art makes you appreciate it a little bit more.

The second thing you need to know about art is that it is subjective.  This is obvious, I am sure everyone could have guessed that there is not really a right or a wrong to art.  It is not math or biology, it is not black and white.  Although it is obvious, it is important to realize and accept before criticizing a piece or really learning anything about art and its history.

The third thing I think is important to know and accept is that art is fucking weird.  People often say they do not like a certain type of art because it is "weird."  They say, "I don't get how that's art!"  You probably don't get how it's art because you just don't get it period.  Before you say that you do not like something, learn about it.  You cannot dislike something you know nothing about.  The fact is that even if you study it and appreciate a piece for what it is, it's still pretty weird.  I think it's great that art is weird.  You need to remember that the people making art were usually that weird kid in the back of the classroom that sculpted things out of the deformed crayons and he probably had a pet snake or something.  Again, I think that's great; let your freak flag fly.  Basically what I am trying to say is, educate yourself about a piece or a movement before your criticize it, it's not gonna make a blob of animal fat on display, or Yoko Ono letting an audience member cut off her clothing any less weird but you're also not gonna sound like an idiot when you talk about it.  The fact is that art reflects religious, social, and philosophical issues so there IS more to them than you think. There IS a point.

I hope you learned something or at least were slightly amused for the few minutes it took you to read this.  Now anytime I say that I have been busy with school just know that this is what I am doing...

or this..
or this..

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blog Everyday in May: Your Life Story in 250 Words

I am going to try my very best to stay around 250 but to be honest I could probably write a novel about myself (which is why I have a blog) 

I was born in Long Beach California on November 20, 1990 to two lovely, first-time parents. When I was 4 my life changed and I got a younger sister, Molly.  The four of us lived in a small house in Perris, California for ten years.  I lived right next door to my best friend and her three sisters.  I attended the same Catholic school from kindergarten to 8th grade. When I was younger I was involved in girl scouts and hated it.  Then I started to cheer and was involved with volunteering and ASB when I was in junior high.  In 2000 we moved to Riverside, California.  I went to Catholic high school, which means a total of 13 years in Catholic school although I do not consider myself Catholic anymore. I did make amazing friends there though. In high school I was a cheerleader, head of the yearbook staff, and wrote for the school newspaper.  When I was 16 I went to Europe for ten days.  When I was 18 I moved to Seaside, California on my own for school and stayed there for a whopping four months before moving back to Riverside and attending a JC. I took an art history class when I was 19 and fell in love.  In August I moved to San Diego to study art history at San Diego State University.  I currently live with five other girls and three dogs.  I one day hope to move to Seattle with three of my own dogs but not five other girls.


 BOOM! 257 words!