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Sunday, July 7, 2013

DIY Painted Jars

I hope everyone had a lovely 4th of July weekend, I'll post about mine soon but first, crafting!  Last weekend while at my parent's house I got this urge to craft.  I really haven't in a while but since I am moving again in a month I have been having this overwhelming urge again to craft and make things for the new house.  My mom decided to feed my jar fetish and bought me a three pack of small jars at the dollar store.  Of course I already have every size and shape of jar out there, but, despite seeing countless tutorials on Pinterest and other blogs I have not yet tried out the whole painted jar thing.  Since these were only a dollar I decided to give it a go.

The first thing that I learned about painting the inside of a jar is try not to look at the inside while doing it, the outside is what you are going to see so concentrate on how it looks from that angle.

The second thing I learned is to be very liberal with the amount of paint you put in that jar.  If you use little paint you are going to be able to notice, especially if you hold the jar up to the sun.  Because of this i decided to do several coats.

Besides those two things, there really are not rules.  I did mine by basically blotting the inside with a paint brush although I've seen a few people that put a drop inside the jar and swirl it around.  I cannot attest for that method but I can attest to the brush and blot method; mine turned out pretty cute I think...

I would definitely recommend running you your local dollar store and buying a couple of these babies to try it out.