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Friday, August 24, 2012

DIY Fabric Magnet Board

So, I have been meaning to post this tutorial for a while but because I just moved this week, I just finally got to hang up my magnet board.  Now that it's completely finished and up I though I would share with you how I did it. So stay tuned to figure out how to make this...

What you'll need:
  • Metal board of any size (got mine at Home Depot)
  • Spray Adhesive
  • 1 yard of fabric
  • Buttons
  • Extra strong magnets
1.  I laid the fabric face down on the floor and laid the metal board on top of it.  There was quite a bit of extra fabric surrounding the edges so I cut some off still leaving enough to fold over the board. I made sure I had enough fabric to folder over the board, act just like you are wrapping a gift, make sure to pull the corners tight.  

2.  Once I knew how I was going to wrap it I picked up the metal board and sprayed one side all over with the spray adhesive and put that face down onto the fabric again.  I let sit for about thirty minutes so the front could start to dry.

3.  Next I came back and started spraying the edges of the board and the fabric where I would be folding it over.  I folded the fabric for real this time, use extra adhesive spray where you think you need it.  Again be sure you all pulling the fabric tight especially around the corners.  I then let the board sit for a few hours while I moved on to the buttons

4.  Choosing buttons without backs makes this easier, however I couple of mine did have nubs on the back and I just sawed them off.  You can buy individual or bags of buttons at most craft stores.  Then, I used a hot glue gun to glue a magnet to the back of each button.  When letting these dry make sure to space them apart liberally so they do not stick to each other like magnets do.

5.  After everything is dry you are pretty much finished!  Hang it up and put pictures, reminders, art, anything you want on it!


  1. super easy, love it!! Might have to make one :)

    kelly elizabeth

  2. Wow, your blog is so adorable :]
    That is super cute! I'm so gonna try this.

  3. so cute! thanks for the tutorial!

  4. i love this idea and you make it look so easy! i can't wait to try it out!

  5. Love this idea, it is so much cuter than a basic magnet board! Can't wait to try it!

