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Friday, May 3, 2013

Blog Every Day in May: Things that Make You Uncomfortable

I am trying to think of what exactly I can write about in this post.  I do not tend to dwell on uncomfortable or awkward situations, it's really not that big of a deal to me.  I actually kind of like them sometimes; is that weird?  I am that person with an odd sense of humor, and I like giving answers that no one really expects, even if I am not serious.  I mentioned in my last post that when people ask me what I plan to do with my major I have said, "Probably work at Starbucks." And when someone has asked me if I am liking school I simply have responded with, "no."  Those are both really good ways to end a conversation if you don't mind it being a big awkward for a few seconds.  

Anyway, situations don't really make me uncomfortable as much as they annoy me.  Like most of the time I really do not want to hear about your sex life. I am not a prude and I get that girlfriends talk but I really do not want to know the details and I have no idea why some girls do.  Again, if someone is hard to talk to and connect with it's more annoying than uncomfortable to me.

So, this is gonna be a very short blog because I obviously have nothing to say on the topic. Guess I'll see you guys tomorrow.

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