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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Blog Everyday In May: A Piece of Advice

Today's prompt is, "a piece of advice you have for others."  I am not sure I am in any position to impart life changing wisdom on others.  I'm young and stupid. I had a cookie for breakfast this morning and was late to class because I wanted to wear liquid eyeliner, clearly I'm not doing it right.  And by it, I mean life.  The only real advice I have for others that I have found to work is do what makes you happy, whatever that is.  I mean obviously if that thing hurts you or others I highly recommend you find a different hobby, but for the most part, this advice works.

Just stop caring about what others think.  There is always gonna be someone out there who wants to bring you down, there are always going to be people judging you.  This sounds like a no-brainer, do things that make you happy and you will be happy.  Not enough people actually do this though.  Life is too short to be stuck doing something just to please others or to surround yourself with people who hurt you or make you unhappy.

Choose a school or city that makes you happy, choose a major that makes you happy, choose a career path that makes you happy.  I may sound like a broken record talking about majors and the future but that is the stage of my life that I am in at the moment, so it's obviously relevant to me.  If it is relevant to me I am sure it is relevant to others out there as well.  Don't get stuck doing something or living a life you didn't really want, don't settle.

That's really the only advice I have for you all for now.  I am supposed to be writing a final paper for one of my classes.  Here is another piece of advice, don't be like me and procrastinate.


  1. I love that advice! Choosing wisely at this time in your life is important and often overlooked. I also wish I had a cookie for breakfast....

    1. Thanks! I sure think so. The cookie for breakfast was yummy but probably not the most nutritious choice I could have made.
