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Friday, June 15, 2012

Decor Inspiration: Jewelry Storage

Now that school is out I can concentrate on getting things together for my house I'll be moving into in August.  I cannot explain how excited I am to decorate a new space which is why I have been searching for little DIY projects I can use to make storage and pretty things!

I get most of my ideas for DIYs and decor from Pinterest and lately I have been obsessed with storage for jewelry and other knick knacks.  I love the ideas of using tea cups and vintage bowls to hold ring and bracelets.  Here are some spaces I am currently using as inspiration for my new house.

Hope you get inspired too!


  1. Beautiful! I need a way to organize my jewelry and these are such pretty ways to do so. Thanks for the inspirations! Your blog is lovely =)

    Suzie Q
