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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Me, Myself, and I Round Seven!

After my hiatus I sort of forgot about all of my regular link ups but then, while going through my bloglovin' feed I realized that today was "Me, Myself, and I" round seven! Pretty exciting, so here it goes...

1. Do you celebrate St. Patty's Day? How?
I am not Irish but I was raised in a Catholic home and a home that loves any excuse to celebrate so we would do our best to make March 17th a celebration.  My mom would make cornbeef which I always hated as a child and as I got older I stopped eating red meat so I usually just had chicken.  She would also make Irish soda bread and her and my dad would have a beer.  This year they celebrated the same I hear but living on my own now I was free to make my own St. Patty's Day feast. Of course though, I just made a grilled cheese and called it a day.  This year though I also attended my friend Alissa's bridal shower that morning and got drunk texts from friends who could afford to go out.  Ah to be twenty-two and broke right?

2.  It's March which means spring break!  We want to know how your spring break went or if it hasn't happened yet, what will your spring break consist of?
My spring break is the first week of April so I am anxiously awaiting its arrival.  I have postponed my jury duty for that week because I know I will be out of school so I suppose most of my plans will depend on getting out of that.  However, for Easter Sunday, my family and I usually plan a day in Newport that consists of whale watching, a late lunch, and Sprinkles Cupcakes.  I am pretty excited for that.

3.  A Zombie Apocalypse happens and you're stripped of all your luxury items. What beauty product would you miss the most?
One word, Cetaphil.  Without it nothing else matters, everyone will probably think I'm a zombie anyway because my dry skin will fall off.

4. What is one cause you feel most passionate about?
I have always been a huge animal lover and feel passionate about helping animals without loving homes, that just tugs at my heart strings thinking there are puppies out there with no one to love them.  I also feel strongly about anything effecting women.  Having family members and friends who have been effected by breast cancer definitely makes me feel connected to that cause.  And of course women's rights, I am definitely a feminist although I think that word has a negative connotation attached to it sometimes, mostly by people who do not understand it.  I won't get on my soapbox here and bore you all but all us women should support each other and should absolutely never sit back and watch someone try and take away our rights and make our decisions for us.  And that's all I'm gonna say about that....for now.

5. Whats the number one most played song on your ipod?
Probably "Ho Hey" by the Lumineers.  I know it's gotten to be so popular and some people are tired of it but I adore all of their songs. I listened to their album on loop this summer when I was in Washington and now that's what it reminds me of, which is pretty cool.

I also just want to say how good it is to be back! Can't wait to read everyone else's MM&I posts!


  1. This is the perfect blog post to stop by for the first time! :) Thanks for leaving me a comment Kris! I'm so jealous you still have a spring break, I miss mine so much. Sprinkles cupcakes is definitely something I'd want during break too. And I love the mini rant you went on about womens rights, I have a feeling we have some similar views ;) I hope you have a Bloglovin, I'd love to follow you!


    1. Thanks for stopping by Evani, I love your blog! I do have a bloglovin' it's


  2. aw love your blog girl and so glad to have you link up with us :)
