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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Let's Catch Up: An Update

I would like to apologize ahead of time for being a bit MIA within the next couple of weeks.  I'm sure I have said in previous posts that I have a very busy August ahead of me.  A week from today I will be at a beach house in Washington frolicking with the seals and birds.  When I get home I have a week to pack before I move to San Diego.  Hopefully I can find a job and once school gets started I'll fall into more of a regular routine.

This week I have spent most of my time thinking and then complaining about packing for both Washington and the move.  I also grabbed a coffee and a cannoli with my friend Violet which was pretty much the highlight of my week.

I also got to hang out with my friend Melina from high school this week, finally.  As you get older it really does get harder and harder to see people...and things.  I have finally come to terms with the fact that I just do not have the money right now to see The Dark Night Rises in theaters, I guess I'll have to wait to rent it.  Apparently growing up means not seeing movies anymore, I never go to the movies anymore.  The only movie I saw this entire year was Titanic in 3D (I'm kind of okay with that because Titanic is the best movie ever.) 

Today though, I am proud to report I finally put the complaining and procrastinating aside and packed some of my desk stuff, books, and movies in boxes and I have started throwing things in my suitcase for Washington.  PROGRESS! However, every time I look at my closet I cry.  Cleaning that thing out is going to be the task of the century.

I will try my best to keep my blog up to date during my trip to Washington but I'm not sure if I'll have constant internet access so my posts may be minimal.  Just know that I am probably gathering sea shells,  playing with my sea friends at the local aquarium and watching the Olympics.  I do have quite a few DIY projects and baking recipes I have yet to put up so know those are coming as soon as things calm down.  Hope you are all having a lovely end of July!

1 comment:

  1. i know how it feels to really "grow up" and not be able to watch movies weekly anymore. i allot my money to everyday needs and what not. i guess we have to be wiser with money and time. oh how i miss the time when i was young and i can completely depend on my parents. lol.

    see you next tuesday for flashback tuesdays!

