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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Trift Store Finds

Earlier this week my mom and I did some more thrifting and I picked up a couple more things for the new house.  Here are my finds!

I got this biscuit tin at Goodwill for about $3 I believe.  I'm not sure what I'm going to put in it yet but I thought it was just so adorable I couldn't pass it up!  Perfect for storing something in the kitchen perhaps?

So my jar obsession continues.  I'm thinking of using this miniature jar for bobby pins and other hair things on my vanity.  I'm currently using ugly old candle holders so I'm in need of something new for my bobbies!

They had quite a few of these distressed candle holders and I literally just stood there staring at them for like ten minutes trying to think of what I could do with them.  In the end I couldn't think of anything but I loved them so much I got them anyway.  I'm sure I'll figure out something, they are just so my style.  I don't even have to distress them, it's already done for me!  If anyone has any ideas send them my way.

A spaghetti keeper from Italy!  I have a plastic spaghetti keeper from the dollar store but this one goes along with my jar obsession and it was only $2.  Also, I just really like saying spaghetti keeper.

I got everything at Goodwill except for this envelope holder.  I got this for $5 at a local thrift and antique store.  I actually saw the exact one at the Salvation Army the week before for $9 or something ridiculous, Salvation Army is way to expensive for a thrift store if you ask me.  Anyhow, when I saw this again for almost half the price I figured it was a sign from God so I got it.  It's actually not wood, it's plastic and it's kind of an ugly color if you ask me which is why you will be seeing a revamp of this baby in the near future.  So stay tuned for that!

Those were all my finds for now!  I actually found a bookshelf that would have been perfect for my room for only $30 at Goodwill but when I went back the next day to get it, it was gone!  I had seen it there for three weeks and the day I decide to finally give in and buy it someone else buys it, of course.  So the search for a bookshelf continues.

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